In 1957 my family got our first television. To a seven year old, it was like opening a whole new world. Some people felt that television would be the downfall of the country since people would be less active. In fact, it did play a pivotal role in the increase of obesity, partly for the food advertisements displayed, but mostly for the sedentary hours which occurred as a result; however, TV was the last bit of technology which caused people to collectively share the same physical space and interact directly. Telephones would soon evolve as well. My number as a child was CEDAR 6 7726 and was a party line. If you were not careful you could pick up your receiver and hear the neighbor lining up a date with her boyfriend while her husband was at work. When I think about the changes that have taken place over the sixty years I am blown away. In the early nineties, all managers had to attend training classes at the Sheraton, now known as Double Tree, on how to operate the Taco Bell computers. Many of us thought these new computers would never be able to place an accurate food order or schedule staff properly. Now, I cannot imagine trying to run the units without a computer. Training is no longer conducted offsite. It is conducted through a program known as Learning Zone right at the store. As technology has evolved, it has eased the training process and contributed to the growth of productivity and sales.
There have been several significant points that have truly altered the top line of the company. When we finally began accepting credit cards, that was without a doubt, one of those turning points.
The expansion to breakfast service was also a significant step forward, as was online ordering. The company has done a really great job in the adjustment of meeting these challenges. Now with the addition of Grub Hub and Kiosks sales, we should get another substantial boost. It is with admiration that I watch as the current management prepares to face another obstacle. As always, the planning and preparation today will set up the success for tomorrow.
Pictured above: Self ordering Kiosk
By: Bruce Jackson
POS Manager