BurgerBusters Inc. has zero tolerance towards incidents of workplace violence which include but are not limited to the following examples: disruptive behaviors such as yelling, using profanity, verbal abuse of others, waving arms / fists, and refusing reasonable requests.

Threatening behaviors such as physical actions short of actual contact (moving closer aggressively), oral or written threats as well as implicit threats such as “you’ll be sorry,” “this isn’t over,” and “I better leave before I kill someone” – these are examples of implicit threats and are not allowed at work. Violent behavior such as physical assault, throwing objects (in any direction), pounding on the table / door / wall with fists, kicking walls / equipment, destroying property, and specific threats.

In addition to being against BurgerBusters Inc. polices many of these acts are against the law, you have more at risk than just becoming unemployed when engaging in workplace violence. BurgerBusters Inc. will assist the local authorities on all criminal matters.

What can you do to prevent workplace violence in your store?

  • Report disruptive behavior to the manager immediately.
  • Use the Hotline number if you are uncomfortable reporting it to the manager (1-888-788-9757 ext. 140).
  • Do not engage in any kind of argument at work with customers, vendors, co-workers, or managers. Arguments escalate quickly, is your safety worth it?
  • Respect personal space if an argument begins- you cannot control what someone else might do, but how YOU react will have a direct effect on the situation. Take a step back and say something like “Let me get a manager to help you.”

Let’s work together to create a safe environment for all to enjoy.  Make praise and recognition a way of life in your store. Say please and thank you, work together as a team, support each other and accept accountability and responsibility for your job tasks and your actions.

BurgerBusters Inc. realizes it is difficult to make ends meet, pay the bills, and take care of all needs in the fast-paced world we all live in, far too often one of our employee makes a poor decision and takes funds that simply do not belong to them, they steal. What would happen if that same employee would reach out for help whether it is internally seeking proper guidance on banks, loans, extra work in other stores all designed to prevent un-welcome actions.  The company would like each employee to reach out instead of making the wrong decision, in that we cannot promise nor commit that we can meet all needs, we certainly can point you in the right direction.

When you make the wrong decision, the following actions will take place.  You will be investigated and if found to be taking cash or product that do not belong to you, your employment will be terminated and the theft reported to the police.  Frequently the police are called to Taco Bell and the person is arrested right away.

If you are not stealing from the company why should you care about who is?  More and more frequently we are catching employees steal from fellow employees.  These employees have taken cell phones, jewelry, cash, and other items that belonged to our employees.  In each of these cases BurgerBusters Inc.’s Asset Protection team offers to provide video to the police and any other evidence needed to prosecute the individual who wronged our employee.

If you know of someone taking things in the store that do not belong to that person, please report it on the Network line.  You can report this anonymously or leave your name and number and someone from Asset Protection will contact you.  If you are thinking about stealing understand stealing will only complicate and increase your financial problems.


By: Deb Baylor
Director of Asset Protection