All of us have been trained on speed and the T.R.E.D. system to bottleneck management. In fact over the years BurgerBusters Inc. has become one of the best as it pertains to speed in this region; however, the organization has been impacted by new products, the launch of fries, and significant sales growth. So far in 2018, the drive thru times have increased by over 14 seconds with over 30% of the stores over 5 minutes total time.   Guest comments from our drive thru surveys tells us guests become highly upset if the total time exceeds five minutes and most likely will not return.

The best way to decrease speed and become best on the block for speed is too embrace ‘R’ and ‘D’ of the T.R.E.D. process and you will meet and     exceed your goals. Additionally you must communicate the speed goals from each shift and communicate back to the teams what the actual time achieved was for the shift.

R: Rush Ready

  • Have you prepped enough product to get you through the rush so you do not have to leave the line?
  • Fryologist in place during peak times.
  • Napkins, cups, lids, and straws all properly stocked so employees do not have to leave vital positions during rush.
  • EVO line properly stocked so starter does not have to stop making food.
  • Condiments and drinks properly set up to get you through rush.
  • All employees ready to go and goals communicated.
  • Proper communication occurring during rush between counter line and drive thru line.
  • Counter line help make drive thru orders and drive thru line help make counter orders.

D: Deployment

  • Right People: Properly train and know how to communicate.
  • Right Number: Correct number of staff to handle the rush.
  • Right Place: Is your deployment correct to maximize speed?
  • Two Service Champions at the drive thru window during rush.

Above all, each one of us must provide feedback during the shift huddles each day.  Additionally, all of us must inform the team how they performed on speed after each shift. Proper communication on speed has always allowed the store to achieve the speed goals.  In the event you need help with managing speed, please use all the bottleneck management tools that are posted on the Taco Bell Operations Page.


By: Joe Mangano
Chief Operating Officer